Final week

 It is my final week of fall semester of my senior year. This is such a bitter sweet moment, I am a Christmas fanatic therefore, going home for Christmas is something I cant wait for. I love all of the traditions that my family has. The sad part is this means I only have one semester left here at Ohio Northern. I have loved my time here and love it more and more as the years come. This makes saying goodbye just as difficult. I am not good at goodbyes, I know right now it is just a see you later but it is still hard. I can not wait until the nice weather comes back and we can all do things outside, but for right now its cold and wet and not fun. I did just finish capstone today so that makes me very happy and less stressed. I am all done this Friday and heading home to work for the winter break. I cant wait to go home and spend time with my family since I haven't in a while. My sibling live all over and Christmas is the only time we are all together and spending time together. I cant wait to see them they are my best friends. I hope everyone has a good Christmas and a  blessed holiday season.


  1. even when its not a full goodbye I also find it so difficult to leave school and all my friends. I never realize how much I like it here until I leave and I actually miss being in Ada with all my friends. However, I am still excited to get home for Christmas celebrations.


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