
Showing posts from December 4, 2022

Final Goodbye

 This is my last blog, I have really enjoyed doing this and sharing my life with everyone. I am someone who loves to journal and write out the things that are happening in my life. Writing helps me get through the hard times and figure out my thoughts. This might be something I continue in the future but for right now I am planning to take a break. I write better when my work is not assigned and I am doing it free will. I loved reading others posts and getting to know people I though I knew on a deeper level while also learning all about others through blogging. I did not write about what I planned to in this blog but I do feel a little piece of my story is on here. I will now be able to go back at look at every single week my senior year and read what had happened. I hope others took as much away from this experience as I did and feel like they are able to relive a chapter of their life. I am forever thankful for doing this, not only did I enjoy it I learned a ton about something I ne

Final week

 It is my final week of fall semester of my senior year. This is such a bitter sweet moment, I am a Christmas fanatic therefore, going home for Christmas is something I cant wait for. I love all of the traditions that my family has. The sad part is this means I only have one semester left here at Ohio Northern. I have loved my time here and love it more and more as the years come. This makes saying goodbye just as difficult. I am not good at goodbyes, I know right now it is just a see you later but it is still hard. I can not wait until the nice weather comes back and we can all do things outside, but for right now its cold and wet and not fun. I did just finish capstone today so that makes me very happy and less stressed. I am all done this Friday and heading home to work for the winter break. I cant wait to go home and spend time with my family since I haven't in a while. My sibling live all over and Christmas is the only time we are all together and spending time together. I can