
Showing posts from September 18, 2022

Facebook today

      Facebook has been through every level of popularity. It used to be the go to in the social media industry but in my eyes that has changed. In class this week we listened to an expert talk about social media marketing being used in Facebook Messenger. This was very interesting to me because when I think of Facebook I feel like it has entered the social media graveyard. People my age tend to only use it to keep their old relatives in the loop of their lives. When a younger professional is educating us about how useful and successful Facebook is in the real world it really made me take a new look at Facebook as a tool to add to my professional toolbelt.     After looking at Facebook with a different view I realized how many ads are really on this site and I noticed that I have even received messages of  different advertisements from brands. This was very eye opening to me, I have never noticed all of the advertisements I see that I scroll past. With Social media being a possible car

Women in Sport

    This weekend the volleyball team and the Ada community celebrated 50 years of Title IX. Title IX is something we as college students hear about all the time but never really understood what it meant. That was until this weekend, generations upon generations of Ohio Northern Volleyball Alum came to our tournament an home over the weekend and stayed for a get together and story telling at the inn afterwards.       Once we arrived at the inn the alumni started pouring in. It was great to talk to them and hear all about their time at ONU and about how much has changed. Then the speeches started and so did the water works. It began with Coach Kuhn talking about the history and then inviting up our new university President. Our President talked about how Title IX has effected her life, she is the first women president her at Ohio Northern which is a monumental mark in our history. Next to give a speech was a fellow player by the name Lea McFadden. She talked about how much ONU volleyball