
Showing posts from November 13, 2022


      The simulation we are doing for class is becoming real to me. Whenever I struggle with a step within the sim I think about how this is what I am going to do the rest of my life and I need to learn. Recently I heard the quote " If you are the best at what you do there will always be room for you." With jobs decreasing I think I need to be the best at what i do to stand out in my field. When I struggle with the sim I feel as if I am not the best. I know this is not a thing to focus on but it is something I think about. I have been working nonstop to just keep on learning everything I don't know and it has been going well. I have been meeting with professionals learning about all the different things that make people stand out in the marketing world. I have heard experience, communication, professionalism and willingness to learn. I have been working on these things to help myself stand out. I hope I am able to make these things a habit and become one of the best at wh

Thanksgiving Break

      Thanksgiving break couldn't come at a better time. I am in need of a mind break, I am mentally drained. I have previously talked about how home is such a great decompressing place for me. I can't wait to do all of my favorite holiday traditions. I love the holidays and they are a huge part of my family. We go to a huge art fair and do our Christmas shopping. I look forward to this day every year, I am a huge fan of tradition its something I hope to carry on forever. This year is going to be a little different, I have a sister who lives in Nashville and she will not be home for Thanksgiving this year. She will be going to Maryland to visit her boyfriend. As someone who loves tradition this has been a struggle for me. I hate change and my sister not being home for the holidays is a big change. Christmas is the "important" holiday in my family though. It is the holiday we must be home for, the holiday party is mandatory, we through a huge dress up party for a large