Thanksgiving Break

     Thanksgiving break couldn't come at a better time. I am in need of a mind break, I am mentally drained. I have previously talked about how home is such a great decompressing place for me. I can't wait to do all of my favorite holiday traditions. I love the holidays and they are a huge part of my family. We go to a huge art fair and do our Christmas shopping. I look forward to this day every year, I am a huge fan of tradition its something I hope to carry on forever. This year is going to be a little different, I have a sister who lives in Nashville and she will not be home for Thanksgiving this year. She will be going to Maryland to visit her boyfriend. As someone who loves tradition this has been a struggle for me. I hate change and my sister not being home for the holidays is a big change. Christmas is the "important" holiday in my family though. It is the holiday we must be home for, the holiday party is mandatory, we through a huge dress up party for a large amount of people. This is something everyone looks forward to every year. I cant wait for this to have everyone together from all over the country once again. I hope you hace a great Thanksgiving and a blessed holiday season!  


  1. I am excited for Thanksgiving too. I love watching the parade. My dad does most of the cooking especially making pumpkin pie from scratch. I personally prefer a more laid-back environment for the holidays. I have a twin brother so I know the feeling of being the only kid staying at home being weird. I hope you have fun nonetheless!

  2. I also agree that break has come at the perfect time this year. Last year around this time I do not remember feeling as stressed as I do this year. Although I have a lot of assignments upcoming after the break, I will feel relieved to have at least four to five days to relax. We only have two weeks until finals week once the break is over. We will soon be out of class for a month and I am very excited for that.

  3. I think thanksgiving break is positioned perfectly at about 80% of the way through the semester. Be sure to take the time back home to recharge!


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