
 Coming back to school after Thanksgiving break is always the hardest. When you get those 9 days off you get a taste of no stress and free time right before we have to come back here and take finals. I do not have any finals this year due to me  being a senior and just having projects. I have many long presentations over the next two weeks to make up for it though. Between capstone and consumer behavior the stress is high. I have heard from many classes of students that senior year is the easiest but it is the most stressful. I am someone who loves presentations due to my whole life being involved with talking in front of people. I am very sad that this year is already half over. I have loved every second so far and want time to slow down. This is something I have never wished for before. My whole life I have wanted to grow up and be an adult and now that it is al most here I couldn't beg enough for it to slow down. I am still excited to start making money and working but I am just not ready to have responsibilities. Paying bills and working 9 to 5 is not what I want right now. I have prayed to stop the homework and finally live the life I have been working for but now I dont want to live it I want to keep working.


  1. I loved thanksgiving break! It is very decompressing for me and much needed!

  2. It's always great to go home and see everyone, but bittersweet to leave. Hopefully the stresses of dead week haven't caught up to you yet! Good Luck!!


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