The Social Dilemma!

    This movie made me contemplate everything I have on my phone and everything I have ever clicked on or posted. I never realized how much ads and posts are targeted to you. The scene in The Social Dilemma when the kid makes a bet to not be on his phone or social media for a week to be able to get a new screen. The  insiders at the social media companies were making the notifications more and more tempting so he would pick up his phone. Another scene in the movie the mother of the family asked her children and husband to put their phones in a locked box for dinner and after two minutes the youngest daughter broke open the container to get her phone. This scene really struck me, I grew up in an anti phone family so me not having my phone for hours does not really affect me. I am very thankful for this youth and growing up not being dependent on my phone. Even today our coaches take our phones for many hours for away games and for many days when we go to tournaments. Phones bring so much negativity  into lives and that is not going to chance for the future of society. In my prediction this will never change, I don't see kids getting less addicted to their phones or to social media. I hope I am wrong due to kids needing to be outside playing. Social media is horrible for our generation but even worse for children!


  1. It is eye-opening to see what goes on behind the social media screen. It is a hard truth to see that we are the product and that the platforms we use are the buyers. If people can figure out how to use social media effectively without it taking over their lives, then I believe we become the buyers and they become the product.

  2. I found myself in much the same position, sitting on my phone at night thinking about the "person" watching me through the screen. Really eye-opening stuff.


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