Snap a Pic!

    When Snapchat first came out I was not very impressed with the idea or the execution of it. I thought Instagram was so much cooler because the pictures never disappear and you can post the ones you look cute in for everyone to see. Now, I would say my opinion has changed, I love Snapchat now, I love seeing people faces that I don't get to see often in real time. I feel our generation grew up with Snapchat. I barely remember a time without it. From a marketing perspective, it may be an unpopular opinion but I believe they make the most impacts. In Snapchat you have to watch the ads, This draws attention to everything normal people scroll through. If I see an ad on Instagram I usually just scroll past it, but on Snapchat the app makes you watch it for around six seconds even if you don't want to. If all you are doing during those six seconds is counting the time until you can skip it you still see the companies name, you still see what they sell and if its cute. Therefore, if you don't even mean to look at it, its still in your memory and may even pop back up causing you to be more and more interested every time. When growing up I would think about how it would even be possible for Snapchat to incorporate ads into their platform but they did it very successfully. Now I am wondering the same thing with BeReal, how will they incorporate ads into their platform because everyone knows that its coming.


  1. Not looking forward to when ads come to BeReal. However, from a business perspective, it would be dumb if the BeReal founder didn't take advantage of placing advertisements in the app.


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