Social Media Monster

     I have created a podcast recently titled the Social Media Monster. This podcast talks about how much social media has ruined our generation. I even think that it has ruined my major of marketing. I chose marketing as my major because I love being creative but I believe that the posting to fit into the current trends has taken the creative fun out of the job. Also, I believe that Social media is causing such toxicity in the world today. The way brands push these picture perfect models out to us makes comparison inevitable. This is such a negative outcome from social media that has been such an issue for a while and an issue that needs to change.

    I loved this experience of creating a podcast and I believe it could be a hobby that I could enjoy. I love talking just in general so being able to tell stories and talk about my beliefs and people can listen is very fun to me. I made this podcast thinking I would do it once for an assignment and never touch it again. I am now thinking that this could be something I keep up with. Along with blogging, I have enjoyed learning these new platforms I have never used before and I cant wait to experiment with them both to find out what works and doesn't work for my target market. I hope to use this as a growth opportunity in my marketing career, learning and practicing my language for professional social media accounts.



  1. That is an interesting way of looking at social media and its impact on your marketing. I can see some people say the opposite while arguing it allows you to share your creativity to more people than ever. I can also understand your point of view as social media can sometimes put you in a box of restrictions. I agree that brands on social media need to refrain from portraying the unattainable picture perfect life. It is far too common in the world and only leads consumers to compare themselves to these portrayals.

  2. Hey, this topic just came up last night for me in fact, as I made a comment to my roommate about how I wished I'd been able to experience college before phones. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


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