Facebook today

     Facebook has been through every level of popularity. It used to be the go to in the social media industry but in my eyes that has changed. In class this week we listened to an expert talk about social media marketing being used in Facebook Messenger. This was very interesting to me because when I think of Facebook I feel like it has entered the social media graveyard. People my age tend to only use it to keep their old relatives in the loop of their lives. When a younger professional is educating us about how useful and successful Facebook is in the real world it really made me take a new look at Facebook as a tool to add to my professional toolbelt.

    After looking at Facebook with a different view I realized how many ads are really on this site and I noticed that I have even received messages of  different advertisements from brands. This was very eye opening to me, I have never noticed all of the advertisements I see that I scroll past. With Social media being a possible career choice for me I have started to really pay attention to these things and start taking notes on the strategies of different brands and what they focus on.

    When I think about Social media marketing Facebook is definitely one that I put on the back burner. After the video of the expert and from working on our assigned simulation I am now going to work on learning more about Facebook. This is definitely a site that does produce a large amount of revenue for companies.


  1. Hey Sydney, great post. One part that stuck out to me as well was the realization of the amount of ads on Facebook and social media alone. It is influencing us and we are blind to it.

  2. Hello, in your opener you mention that you don't believe Facebook to be the leader in social media anymore. My question would be if not them, then who?


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