Use my Resources

    Social media is a huge defining part of my generation, and I feel that I have everything I could possibly need and want at my fingertips and I am not taking advantage of it. We talked about how one of the biggest advantages to social media is that it allows unlimited free access to so many things. I am here to learn to grow up, I have every skill imaginable and the tutorial of how to do it at any time in just a few clicks, but that isn't fulfilling for me. I am the social media generation, but I was raised by a family that turned me away from that. Don't get me wrong I still love social media and use it in my everyday life but, I want a cooking class not a YouTube video, I want a hard cover not an audiobook. This makes "Figuring out Adulting" that much more difficult for me in this world. I am someone who values face-to-face communication and learning, in a virtual world where this skill is diminishing.

    Although social media has so many advantages it is holding people back. Now instead of trial, error and learning from your mistakes to help you grow as a person failure is becoming less common due to the step-by-step instructions anyone can follow. A lot of people my age are experiencing the same problems I am because of the constant attachment and dependability on their phones. We haven't had to experience as much as past generations because we are always inside on social media. This is something that needs to change for the betterment of society, but it is only getting more and more popular.


  1. Hi, Sydney! I was raised by my parents without social media too so I can understand the situaiton. I love using social media but I think it is crucial to manage the time using it wisely.


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